Worked for days and nights to create a beautiful PowerPoint deck but when it comes to posting your slide on your blog, alas! It does not support a .ppt file upload!
Then Powerpoint itself comes to the rescue. Follow these steps and import your beautiful deck as high-quality images (1 image per slide):
Step 1: After you are done with your deck creation, click on the top left corner option "File"
Step 2: Check in the left pane for the option "Export" and click on it
Step 3: Go to the "Change File Type" option click on it and select "PNG Portable Network Graphics"
Step 4: Once you pass step 3, type in the file name and you will be redirected back to slide view and then select on "All slides" or "Just this one" option
Note: For the "Just this one" option, open the slide page that you want to export and repeat step 1 - step 4